Erotic School Teachers

By Sam Huntington

Some Background

Dysphoria is a mental state in which a person develops a profound sense of unease, dissatisfaction, or detachment.  Rather than a diagnosis, it is a symptom associated with a number and variety of mental illnesses, some of which include stress, anxiety, depression, and substance use disorders.

There are, in addition, different types of dysphoria, including gender and racial, both of which involve unease caused by confusion about an individual’s gender or racial identity.

Dysphoria may accompany other signs of mental health or psychotic behavior, such as uncontrolled crying, loss of interest in pleasurable activities, and disturbances in appetite or sleep, and some may include:

  • Apathy
  • Fatigue
  • Sadness
  • Unease
  • Worry
  • Inability to relax
  • General dissatisfaction
  • Irritability

According to a 2019 study, people who experience dysphoria think differently from ordinary people; they harbor negative thoughts, develop unrealistic or implausible expectations about future outcomes, and develop anger issues.

Our Story

According to writer Vivek Saxena at BPR on February 14, 2024, Nkechi Amare Diallo (born Rachel Anne Dolezal) now teaches elementary children at Catalina Foothills School District, Tucson, Arizona.  One may recall the attention Diallo/Dolezal received while serving as a chapter president of the NAACP organization in Washington State — odd because despite her claims to be a black female, she is as white as the center of a classic Oreo cookie.

The bruhaha has died down since her 2015 exposure as a fraud, and it seems as though she had repaid the fraudulent welfare benefits totaling just under $10,000 in 2017, but still — according to some, the ignominy continues.  No one with a brain wants their child taught by or exposed to Diallo/Dolezal.  The icing on this case may not be racial, however.  Saxena revealed that Diallo/Dolezal is running a sexual website to augment her salary as a public school teacher.

Well, a girl has to eat — and according to Saxena, creating a sexually implicit website at OnlyFan (a subscription site) earns her up to an additional $1,268.73 (or more) monthly to her (estimated) $60,000.00 annual teaching salary.  In exchange for the subscription, Saxena tells us that people can access nude pictures and instructional videos for those interested in self-love.

So far, no one has come forward to express any concerns about this arrangement — that is, having a mentally unbalanced person with severe identity issues and a penchant for voyeurism and pay-a-you-go-eroticism — teaching their children or working within the school district.  But then, maybe such an odd arrangement no longer offends the sensitivities of parents whose taxes pay teachers’ salaries.

What a strange country this is turning into.

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