The Folly of the Democrat’s Mindset

By Sam Huntington

I recently came across a list of things the Democrats insist that they believe in.  Whether this list is part of the official party platform, I cannot say.  The platform changes every two years in advance of elections.  One must, therefore, conclude that the average Democrat may have values, but they change regularly—like diapers—and probably for the same reasons.

Democrats insist that everyone who works should make a livable income.  This is nonsensical in the extreme.  We pay our workers for their skills, knowledge, and experience.  People without skill, who are too stupid to remain in school through graduation, do not deserve the same pay as those who did stay in school and can demonstrate academic competence.  But one thing this statement does guarantee is that stupid people will line up to vote for Democrats.  I need to see how this advances a laudable agenda.

Democrats believe everyone should have access to good, affordable healthcare.  Simple enough – everyone living in the United States does have access to healthcare.  But if Democrats are talking about health insurance, which they labeled Obama Care and forced on everyone, how can they now argue that 8% of Americans do not have health insurance?  And if that 8% number is accurate (and the Census Bureau tells us it is correct), guess what?  Eight percent isn’t alarming out of 335 million people.  So then, who are these uninsured people?  The “experts” tell us they are America’s urban and rural poor.  This is code for around 12 million illegal aliens brought here, in violation of federal laws, by Democrats.  It thus becomes a circular argument – and, therefore, unbelievable.

Democrats say all Americans deserve a basic public education and affordable advanced education or training.  Americans do have access to basic education.  Given the public education that exists in the United States today, it just gets more basic.  However, this is another circular argument because these former students aren’t smart enough to gain admission to post-secondary schools or training upon graduation from the average American high school.  Working Americans pay for public education, which is dismal in the extreme according to any study you care to evaluate, and now Democrats want working Americans to pay for post-secondary training as well.

Democrats don’t all believe that abortion is a good thing, but they do believe women should control their bodies and that, in conjunction with their physicians, women should be allowed to decide what is best for them.  Women do control their bodies.  They decide who to have sex with and when.  If they’ve decided to have sex without contraceptive devices, that decision is evidence of a woman controlling their own body.  If they allow that embryo to advance to the stage where there is a discernible heartbeat, a woman makes that decision again.  But once we’re talking about a living thing with a heartbeat, it is no longer a discussion about a woman’s body; it becomes an issue of another person’s body.  Democrats should stop conflating these two issues.

Democrats argue that they believe in a strong military, just not a large military force. There is room for a worthwhile discussion here if we are talking about a combat-ready defense establishment.  But if Democrats are talking about placing people into the military who will never be capable of deploying to a combat theater, then they do not believe in a strong military.  Who are we talking about, specifically?  Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant, people who have elected sexual reassignment procedures, whose treatments never end, and anyone who cannot deploy with their units for any other conceivable reasons.  All such persons have no business serving in uniform.

Democrats say they believe the law allows for the right to keep and bear arms but that there can and should be reasonable limits placed on the kinds of weapons, ammunition, accessibility, etc.  Anyone who says things like this does not believe in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  Nothing is ambiguous about the Second Amendment: “ … the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”  Thus ends the debate.

Democrats claim to believe in a free press, in access to information, and that the press should be held accountable if it does not tell the truth.  However, the “free press” has become the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and does not allow for authentic journalistic expressions or the dissemination of opinions contrary to those of the press establishment.  In its behavior, the press no longer deserves the protection of the U.S. Constitution.

Democrats believe the government must regulate things we, as individuals, cannot control.  But that isn’t what the Bill of Rights tells us.  The federal government is limited to those enumerated powers outlined in the U.S. Constitution, not one more thing.  All other powers are reserved to the states or the people.  This provision is essential to the American political system, and anyone who doesn’t know this should not be permitted to vote.

Democrats think there is a difference between kneeling in protest and showing actual disrespect for our country.  Individuals indeed have a right to demonstrate their points of view.  Conservatives also believe this, but with an important caveat: there are consequences to our behaviors.  Demonstrating disrespect to those who gave up their lives in defense of American values and contempt for their grieving families, then a protestor should be prepared to experience sharp criticism.

Democrats believe that removing historic statues, plaques, memorials, flags, or other symbols of actual landmark events is an appropriate response to those who may be offended by such symbols.  Poppycock.  History cannot be changed, and no one has a right not to be offended by events that already happened before we were born.  All such symbols serve as important reminders of past mistakes – so that we do not repeat those mistakes in the future.

From the preceding list, compiled by Democrats, it is readily apparent that Democrats do not cherish American values.  If they did, they would never have voted for people like Barack Obama and Joe Biden, both of whom are adamantly opposed to American traditions and values. 

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